my glass story

My name is Angelina Dunn, and I've spent my career working in the arts as a photographer, studio manager and producer before moving on to work in post secondary education as a content and course developer, and professor. In 2017 I discovered glass art, and never looked back.

Since then I've had the privilege of working with a talented team of artists at a well-known glassblowing studio in Ontario, Canada, specializing in fine art and memorial glass artwork. My role has been to guide those looking to commemorate a lost loved one through the process of having a memorial created, whether in person or online. I have personally connected with hundreds of remarkable individuals and families, building trusting relationships while working closely with artists to create unique pieces of cremation art.

In 2020, I began taking classes in Flameworking at Loretta Studios in Ottawa. I quickly fell in love with the art of shaping and blowing molten glass, and the many creative possibilities this exciting medium presented. This new passion led me to set up a private studio just outside of the historic village of Merrickville, Ontario where I could apply the skills I had learned, and continue to grow as an artist. As I began to share my work, I started receiving requests for memorial jewelry from friends and family who were looking for a way to commemorate a beloved person or pet who had passed on. The encouragement I received from these special projects inspired me to begin offering this meaningful service publicly, providing a unique and lasting way for people to honour the memory of their loved ones who are no longer physically present.

In 2022, I established Per Sempre Glass as a place to share my art and offer custom jewelry with cremated ash. The name "Per Sempre" means "forever" in Italian, representing the strong bonds we form in life. It's also a nod to the rich tradition of Italian glass art. As a descendant of a long line of Sicilians, I feel a connection to this ancient legacy, which I'm so proud to share with others!

I am always moved by the deep meaning in every memorial I create. The greatest honour I can imagine is being able to create something beautiful that can bring comfort to a heart filled with great sorrow.

If you're curious about having a memorial bead made to commemorate your loved one you can learn more about my process below.

If you have any questions or comments, I'd love to hear from you.